Profitability management system for consumer lender, commercial lending and card portfolios.

CX-Analytics' Account Level Profit (CX-ALP) is a powerful software platform that empowers business managers with active intelligence for profitability management and optimization of financial services portfolios. The core CX-ALP data engine analyzes hundreds of account and transaction level attributes and creates a precise view of performance for each account, each month. CX-ALP delivers true business intelligence by going beyond simple output measurement to a comprehensive view of the factors that drive profit at the account level.

CX Product

Features & Benefits

Optimized Performance

Eliminate unprofitable marketing activities, take action on unprofitable accounts and assign risk costs on dormant and nondelinquent accounts to achieve optimized performance.

Standardized Reporting

CX-Analytics consults to agree on standard business-level definitions for all key metrics used. In addition, multiple systems are combined into a single, standardized analytic repository resulting in a homogeneous set of management information.

Explore Data In-Memory

The CX-ALP engine maintains the associations in the data automatically and powerful in-memory analytics allow users to calculate on the fly. Make new discoveries and uncover insights by interacting with dynamic dashboards and analytics.

Take Action on Unprofitable Accounts

CX-ALP identifies and analyzes individual accounts with negative marginal contribution to profit. Build targeted portfolio strategies based on specific data for a group of customers or accounts.

Develop Long Term Business Strategies

With accurate allocation of profit components to account level data, CX-ALP supports the optimization of long-term business strategies and focuses on true profitability instead of functional targets.

Compliant and Reconciled Data

Every field within CX-ALP is reconciled to the financial general ledger. The product is also consistent with the corresponding product billing and transaction systems.